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Going Whale Watching in British Columbia

whale watchingCanada is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. This is partly due to its wild and rugged landscape. People flock to Canada in search of good hiking, camping, fishing and other outdoor activities.

However, many people are unaware that the country has excellent wildlife related attractions and activities. Those who love nature should consider whale watching in British Columbia. British Coloumbia is Canada’s westernmost province. Countless whale watching cruise ships set sail from this area every week.

Unlike in other countries, tourists have a six month window to go on whale watching tours. Thankfully, this timeframe occurs during the months of April through November when the weather is warm. Many of these cruises ships set sail from Vancouver Island.

The island itself is accessible via ferry or plane. Planes to Vancouver island leave from Vancouver or Seattle. Tourists to the area will need to select the tour best suited to their needs.

Whale watching tours can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Naturally, longer tours will be more expensive. Those who want to book overnight tours should ensure that they choose a comfortable boat. It is also worth noting that many tour packages include food and drinks. Whale watching tours can be a lot of fun. In fact, they can be enjoyed by singles, couples and families.

Going on a boat ride is always exciting. This coupled with the opportunity to see whales in the wild makes whale watching an unforgettable experience. Short trips are best suited for people who are simply looking to sport a whale. Longer cruises are often taken by people who have a genuine interest in learing more about whales.

While British Columbia is the best location to spot whales in Canada, it is possible to go whale watching in other areas. At present, Quebec is the second most popular location for whale watching. Other areas tourists can participate in this activity are Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. Some examples of whales that have been sighted in these areas are the beluga, humpback, blue whale, minke, sei, finback and sperm whale.

People who want to go whale watching in British Columbia can book their tours online. There are numerous tour operators in British Columbia. This can make it difficult to select one cruise from another. The best way to deal with this problem is to choose a well-known and reputable cruise provider. It is also worth check websites such as Tripadvisor for reviews on cruise operators.

These reviews will give travelers an idea of whether other people enjoyed that particular tour or not. When it comes to booking the tour, consumers may want to go to last minute travel websites. Many of these websites offer heavily discounted tours and attractions. Every now and then they will have a good deal on whale watching in Canada. Holidaymakers can also book their tour through a travel agent. However, this is not advisable as travel agencies ten to inflate tour prices.

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